Become a member today!

When we applied to be a charity, we became a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), with both trustees and members. Having members is important so that the Foodbank is accountable to the community who use and support it - they advise on how the Foodbank should run, helping to decide our priorities and our actions. We would very much like to have more input from Members as we move from the urgent business of creating the new Foodbank to looking at our longer term plans.

Anyone over 16 who supports our charitable aims and lives in Burntisland, Kinghorn or the surrounding areas can apply to be a member. Being a member means that you can vote at our membership meetings (our AGM), and can also be elected to be a trustee. Becoming a member is free. If you don’t live locally or wish to join as a group, you can apply to be an associate member (this means you would not have voting rights at membership meetings). Each year we will hold an Annual General Meeting (likely around July) where we’ll present our annual report and accounts and where members can make decisions about who the trustees are in the future.

Please consider if you could contribute as a Member. We’d be especially glad to hear from people with experience in related areas, such as nutrition, business operations, fundraising, and other organisations that might direct people to us or also work with our clients.

If you would like to become a member, please complete the application form and send it to We’ll confirm your membership after our next trustee meeting.

Become a member form
BK Foodbank Constitution